8 Household Items to Clean Your Car

8 Household Items to Clean Your Car

We are in an age of overusing harmful cleaning products, TikTok videos showing users overloading chemicals in trending videos are highlighting just how widespread this issue is. Not only can combinations of cleaners be bad for our homes, but they’re also bad for our...
Should I Remove The Fuel Before Scrapping My Vehicle?

Should I Remove The Fuel Before Scrapping My Vehicle?

Fuel has always been expensive in Australia but in the early 2020’s, this cost that many of us simply can’t avoid absolutely skyrocketed. Given the extortionate cost of petrol and diesel, it’s fair to say that sending your car off to the scrap yard with a full tank is...
How To Retain Your Car’s Value 

How To Retain Your Car’s Value 

When looking to sell your car, you may be shocked to find out that it has dropped in value, or may not be worth as much as you thought it would be. There can be plenty of reasons why this might occur, but Car Buyers Online is here to help with some advice and tips on...